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5 Steps to Elevate the Maturity of Your Awareness Programme

Learn how a focus on human behaviours, instead of compliance, can drive a more robust security awareness programme for organisations.


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Learn where your organisation sits in the SANS Maturity Model, and how to use this to determine your security awareness programme.

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Discover how a shift to focus on employee behaviour, rather than on compliance metrics, can reduce risk.

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Dive into how organisational changes, like implementing new technologies, can have a ripple effect on individual behaviour change.

Elevate your awareness programme

Join CultureAI's Lead Security Researcher, John Scott, as he engages in an insightful discussion around how a shift from traditional security awareness training to a human risk management approach can result in risk reduction across an organisation.

During this webinar, you will be taken through the 5 key steps to elevating your security awareness programme:

  1. Outcomes over outputs

  2. Behaviours over compliance

  3. Positives over negatives

  4. Impact over compliance metrics

  5. Company change over individual change

John Scott, Lead Cyber Security Researcher
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John Scott,

Lead Cyber Security Researcher

John Scott is the Lead Cyber Security Researcher for CultureAI. He is a Certified Instructor for the SANS Institute, teaching classes all around the world on managing human risk. Additionally, he is an international speaker known for his expertise in security culture change.

Start minimising
human error today

Learn how a human risk management platform, like CultureAI, can support organisations in mitigating the inevitable human risks.