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More than a security alert: A guide to nudges

CategoryHuman Risk Management
Lexie Taylor-East, Content Marketing Manager
ByLexie Taylor-East
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As American poet Nikki Giovanni wisely observed, "Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to error that counts." This rings particularly true in the world of cyber security. Even the most vigilant individuals can make mistakes—after all, we’re only human. What truly matters is how we respond. 

Imagine a platform that automatically detects risky security behaviours, alerting employees and nudging them to fix their mistakes before they escalate?  

Well that’s precisely what a security nudge does. These timely, strategic notifications are designed to empower employees to quickly evaluate and fix risks they create. 

Security nudges not only help identify risks that might otherwise go unnoticed but also dramatically reduce the time needed to resolve incidents—from days to mere minutes, or even seconds. Plus, they promote immediate behaviour change and help prevent the recurrence of risky actions. 

What is a security nudge? 

Security nudges are targeted, instantaneous prompts that empower employees to assess and fix any security risks that they may create. By leveraging teachable moments, these nudges reinforce best practices and significantly shorten remediation times. 

Imagine this scenario: an employee accidentally shares sensitive HR files with the world on Dropbox or posts passwords on a public Slack channel. They’re panicking, wondering how they could have been so careless. Then, a security nudge pops up on their screen, enabling them to immediately fix the permissions or delete the message with a single click. 

This approach embodies employee-driven security and should be a critical component of any organisation's human risk management strategy. 

Best practices for using security nudges 

Security nudges provide organisations with a method to guide employees towards making better security decisions precisely at the moment of risk. They can be incredibly effective in promoting better security practices and instantly fixing workforce risks. 

However, for these nudges to achieve their full potential, they must be implemented correctly.

Nudges message

Nudge not noise 

Nudging in the workplace comes with a cost: it takes employees out of their flow by requiring a shift from instinctive System 1 thinking to more deliberate System 2 thinking, slowing productivity. Therefore, every nudge needs a compelling purpose to justify its interruption. Overuse can lead to 'nudge fatigue,' with employees eventually tuning them out entirely. 

A common misstep is using nudges as alerts—like reminders for mandatory training or policy updates. These can overwhelm and become counterproductive, resulting in 'alert fatigue' without impacting behaviour.

Successful behaviour change occurs when nudges are strategically triggered by risky actions. This prevents the 'boy who cried wolf' scenario of constant, ineffective reminders. Instead, timely notifications about specific incidents, such as posting sensitive information on Slack, are far more impactful. They offer employees a chance to correct mistakes quickly. The goal is to create "oh wow" moments—real-time nudges that catch attention and provoke learning. 

Meet people where they are 

To ensure employees pay attention to important nudges, it's vital to deliver them directly where people are actively working—be it Slack, Teams, or Google Chrome. Selecting the right delivery channel for your security nudges is crucial. 

As instant messaging apps become integral to our daily workflow, our customers have found them to be the ideal platform for delivering these nudges. Even in email-centric organisations, they report that using instant messaging apps like Slack and MS Teams has proven to be more effective and elicits quicker responses. 

One significant advantage of using instant messaging apps over email is the speed of remediation. When a risk is identified, instant messaging allows employees to address it swiftly—often within seconds—while an email nudge might languish in a user's inbox, leaving the risk exposed. This consideration is crucial when the objective is to minimise response time and effectively mitigate potential threats. 

Security bot CultureAI

One-click resolution 

In the world of security, a well-timed nudge can make all the difference. But not all nudges are created equal. Traditional nudges often focus too much on training alerts rather than directly addressing risks. 

We believe that the most effective nudges only interrupt employees when they truly need to act—when only they can resolve a risk. If a security team can handle it, they should (Automated Interventions are perfect for this). This approach not only respects employees' time but also empowers them with a one-click resolution strategy.

Empowerment is crucial for changing behaviours. It's not just about telling people what to do; it's about making it easy for them to take action. By simplifying the process, we enhance their ability to swiftly tackle risks. So, when designing nudges, focus on content, wording, and ease of use. By adding a button, you streamline the remediation process and encourage effective action. 

How is CultureAI redefining the ‘nudge’ 

The term 'nudge' has become a buzzword in cyber security over recent years, often being mistakenly equated with 'notifications'. CultureAI aims to shift this perception by leveraging Nudge Theory principles to implement actionable Nudges.

Instead of overwhelming employees with dismissible reminders and notifications for security awareness training, the CultureAI platform intelligently delivers Nudges - targeted, timely prompts that are only sent when there's a specific, actionable step an employee can take to mitigate risk.

“Human behaviour is the biggest cyber risk for companies and yet we know most employees inherently want to do the right thing. By nudging employees to stop and reconsider their actions in real time, they are empowered to make the right choice at the right time.” James Moore, Founder and CEO at CultureAI

Benefits of a CultureAI Nudge 

  • Reduced Mean Time to Resolution: By allowing for the immediate identification and fixing of risks without the need for SOC intervention, incident resolution time is drastically decreased.

  • Empowered employees: Security teams can use Nudges to set guardrails and guide employees to use SaaS and GenAI apps securely. Only nudging them when they engage in risky behaviours such as sharing confidential information in a public channel. 

  • Behavioural change: Busier individuals tend  to fall into automatic, error-prone System 1 thinking. A timely Nudge can shift them to logical, safer System 2 thinking when it is appropriate to do so.

  • Meet people where they are: Nudges are delivered precisely when and where the risk occurs, which increases employee engagement. 

  • Auto-resolution: If employees ignore a Nudge, it can be configured to remediate automatically after a predetermined period.

"I envisage a future where Nudges and Automated Interventions will fix 100% of human-related security risks. By allowing employees to make informed security decisions at the precise point of risky behaviour, within the applications they're using, this enables risks to be resolved instantly without requiring security team involvement." Frederick Coulton, Head of Product at CultureAI

Empower your employees with CultureAI Nudges 

When utilised effectively, security nudges are a powerful tool for human risk management. They help employees make smarter security decisions and fix their own security risks without involvement from the SOC or wider security team.

By focusing on high-risk behaviours, meeting employees where they are working, and simplifying processes, you can significantly enhance your organisation's cyber security posture.

Interested in finding out more? Get in touch with our team today. 

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